Terms & Conditions

Revision Date: May 12, 2023


Myfreedom is a limited liability company that is incorporated in is registered at Meydan.FZ as Myfreedom L.L.C-FZ, Business Center 1, M Floor, The Meydan Hotel, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, United Arab Emirates(UAE) with Registration no 2307220.01

In these terms and conditions, the words Myfreedom”, “Freedom”, “we”, “our” or “us”, or any of our derivatives refer to Myfreedom L.L.C-FZ, including its related companies and acquirers of rights hereunder, as the case may be.

The words “you”, “your”, “yours”, “client” or any of their derivatives refer to the person, companies, or personal representatives who visit our website, open an account, opt to use, or use any of our Services and/or recipient of any information through our website or mobile application.

The word “Platform” means our websites or mobile applications. The word “Terms” on our Platform collectively refers to Terms of Use, Risk Disclaimer, Any Notice, Privacy, and/or other Policies, and statements contained on our Platform.

Terms of use

Welcome to our Platform. By visiting, accessing, and using our Platform you acknowledge and confirm you have reviewed, understood, and fully agreed to the Terms and Conditions, including agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless from all claims of any nature arising from your access or use of our Platform. Your access and any further use of our Platform indicates your full acceptance of terms and conditions in its then—current form each time you access or use our Platform. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time, without notice. In case you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, kindly leave the Platform.

Information on Platform

Information on our Platform is general and is provided in good faith without considering anyone’s investment objectives, risk appetite, or personal circumstances. Images, graphs, tools, and estimates are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to subject to change, amendment, or update without any notice.

Any performance data quoted on our Platform represents past performance or unconfirmed future estimations which is no guarantee of future results. You should understand that performance results will be reduced by investment fees, system charges, and other expenses which may be incurred in connection with the applicable investment fund or account. All materials contained within this Platform are meant to be reviewed in their entirety, including any footnotes, legal disclaimers, restrictions, or disclosures, and any copyright or proprietary notices.

No Offer No Advice

None of the Information currently available or had been available on our Platform constitutes our investment advice, a trade offer, nor a solicitation of any order to buy or sell or trade.

All information available here is derived from sources we believed to be reliable, however, we are not guaranteed its accuracy or completeness. the information and opinions on Platform may not be relied upon for any purpose. Instead, consider the investment objectives, market conditions, risks, charges as well as affordability of potential losses before making the investment decision. We explicitly disavow any duty to update the data or viewpoints contained on our Platform.

Links to Third-Party Websites

From time to time our Platform may contain various third-party links. These links may be purely third-party and are provided for your information only. These may include financial market data, analyst views, quotes, market updates, and research reports. We do not prepare, own, control, or endorse any material provided on such links nor we are responsible or liable for any content, products, or services available on such third-party websites. Further, we reserve the right to add or remove any such links on our Platform. You agree that under no circumstances will you hold us liable for any loss or damage caused by accessing or using any material, product, or service available on such third-party websites.

Restrictions on Use

Access to our Platform for lawful purposes only. Use of the information contained on our Platform for any unlawful purposes in any manner is strictly prohibited. Intended viewers of the information contained on our Platform do not include any person in any country where its access or use is not allowed to their own country’s legislations or regulations. Viewers of our Platform are responsible for compliance with local laws as well as regulations regarding access or use of our Platform. In case, access or use of the information contained on our Platform is not allowed as per your local laws and regulations, please leave the Platform.

Your age must be 18 years for accessing or use our Platform. None of our products, service, or information on our Platform is intended for clients that do not meet the above-mentioned age-based criteria.

Dependency on Systems and Technology

System response and access times may vary due to connectivity, hardware capacity, market conditions and other factors. High volumes of trading and volatility may affect in processing requests at a significantly different price from the price quoted or displayed earlier at any point in time.

Although we maintain efficient systems and employ experienced staff to receive and process your requests in a timely manner. However, we do not guarantee uninterrupted service.  communication systems and Information processing may be dependent on more than one software and are also subject to occasional congestion, technological issues, or outages. such situations may limit our ability to process your requests in a timely and accurate manner. You agree that you will not hold us liable for any delays or damages in processing your requests due to above mentioned reasons or such reasons on a higher-than-expected turnaround time.


You agree that we reserve the right to monitor your access and use of our Platform, product, and services to identify and detect any improper or suspicious activity as set out in the Terms and Conditions, disclaimers, and policies etc. our monitoring of your activities shall include but not limited to the following.

  • Money Laundering
  • Terrorism Financing
  • Market Manipulation
  • Frauds or Forgeries
  • Technical Attacks
  • Any other, etc.

You agree to provide that you shall comply in a timely manner with our requests for information, documents and other material requested by us.


You agree that, subject to applicable laws and regulatory requirements, we may report any of your information including your identification and transactional information to respective authorities without any notification or intimation to you. This includes but is not limited to any applicable anti-money laundering-based reporting obligations, or any applicable tax disclosure or reporting requirements.

In pursuant to our reporting requirements, you agree to provide us requested information or documents in relation to your access of our Platform, use of our Platform, any investments, Account, Transaction, Services and/or any other activity at your earliest possible, for the purposes of complying with any Applicable Laws, Legal Orders, request by any applicable court, government, or regulatory authority.

Applicable Law

You agree that your access, use of this Platform and any disputes relating to our Platform as well as these Terms and Conditions and policies and disclaimers etc. shall be governed in all respects by laws of the United Arab Emirate (UAE) with jurisdiction and venue being in Dubai.

In case, if any clause of these Terms shall be determined by the court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, any such provision determined to be invalid shall not affect the validity of all remaining clauses of these terms and conditions.

Copyright And Trademark

The content contained on our Platforms including but not limited to trademarks, service marks, and company names and logos contained on our Platform are our properties and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. No one is allowed to reproduce, quote, adapt, upload, publish, or otherwise use any of our information including our company name, Logo, trademark, and other information by electronic or any other means without our prior written consent.

Information on our Platform may be secured by copyright without prejudice to the copyright of third parties. The information on our Platform may be confidential, subject to professional privilege, proprietary, or protected from disclosure for other reasons.

Client Acknowledgement

You, or authorized person of the corporation/company/busines being onboarded, have read, understood, and willfully agreed to our Terms and Conditions in this document as well as other available on our plateforms and/or provided to you in writings.

It is your financial obligation to monitor the health of your account and ensure funds availability to cover margins and Freedom fees or charges. MyFreedom, in its good faith, relies on your ability to make timely payments to avoid account suspensions and trade pauses according to the terms made with you and MyFreedom LLC.

You also agree and acknowledge that we may choose, on our absolute discretion, which Financial Products, Transactions, cash, or account balance to apply to offset a debt owed by you to us.

We clearly inform that Trading is speculative and highly risky in nature. You understand that you may lose more than you invest. That you hereby agree that every time you execute a market order, there is a risk of loss, or a potential of profit.

MyFreedom LLC does not offer a joint account. One account is assigned to one trader only.

Financial products traded and our online trading platform are not settled by a physical delivery of the underlying commodity. The calculations, reporting and administration may be performed by us separately for each Account, so that (without limitation): 

  • Margin calculations may be managed, and enforcement action may be taken for each Account separately; 
  • we may at any time aggregate one or more Accounts (for reporting or managing Margins or otherwise for the purposes of this Agreement), even if you cannot immediately access reports for aggregated Accounts; 
  • we may set off any amount owing by you (including any negative balance in one or more Accounts) against any amount we owe you in any other Account, without notice. 

You also agree that we may, with or without notice, do any one of or all of the following: 

  1. Close-Out or cancel all or part of any Transaction; 
  2. reduce your positions limit; 
  3. refuse your Orders; 
  4. suspend your Account (should we find You breaching This Agreement); 
  5. terminate this Agreement (if we reasonably consider that appropriate); 
  6. adjust the price, size or value of an Open Position 

MyFreedom LLC is not liable to act in accordance with your instructions, where we understand that acting upon your instructions may results in a breach of this agreement or results in significant of you or us. 


English shall be used as communication language to place orders, giving instruction, seeking any information, or logging any complaints to us. We reserved rights to not act upon, or ignore, any communication by you in a language other than English.  

The primary mode of communication of MyFreedom LLC’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, emails, and exchange with customers, will only be in English language. 

We exclusively disclaim receipt of any orders on the telephone and via fax. All such requests shall not be entertained by us. Any complaints against any one of our agents or employees, or any suggestion for improvement in our products and services can be referred to us through emails English Language. 

You acknowledge and authorize us to monitor any or all incoming/outgoing correspondence with you on calls/emails/messages with or without making a verbal or written disclosure to you every time you speak with one of the representatives at MyFreedom LLC. 

You agree and willfully grant us permission to record and re-produce any communication including emails, telephone, voice notes or mobile calls etc., for any purpose as deems fit to us including but not limited to training and monitoring compliance, or legal purposes. 

Copy Trading 

One of our trading techniques is Copy trading. We may apply copy trading technique to your invested funds or part of your invested funds if we believe copy trading is profitable in the underlying situation. you acknowledge that copy trading or any other technique used by us on your invested funds may result losses because of the copied trader’s executed order going against market conditions or any other reason. In such a situation of loss you will accept the outcome and shall not hold us liable for loss. 

MyFreedom LLC does not provide any guarantee as to the performance of a specific investment, account, portfolio, or strategy. We do never guarantee positive market conditions nor can it accurately predict the future of market movements. You acknowledge that in no situation, MyFreedom LLC shall not be liable for the losses from your trading decisions which could or could not be because of the trading signals received. 

We may quote a higher and lower figure for a Transaction. These figures will be either effectively based on comparable Bid and Ask prices in the Market or our own Bid and Ask prices. 

You acknowledge that Spreads can widen in certain circumstances and may not always be the same as per the prevailing market conditions. Similarly, you acknowledge that when a Transaction is Closed Out, the Spread may be wider or smaller than the Spread when the Transaction was opened. The Spread quoted by us will reflect our view of prevailing market conditions. 

You acknowledge that our Quotes for dealing in our Financial Products are indicative only and so, are subject to the actual Quote at the time of execution of your Transaction. You understand and acknowledge that Quotes and Transactions can be only made during the open market hours of the relevant Exchange or market on which the Underlying Instruments are traded. 

Trade Execution  

All trades executed through our platform are subject to market conditions. we will reasonable efforts to execute trades promptly and efficiently but does not guarantee the immediate execution of orders. Furthermore, Placement of an order from your side does not guarantee its execution at our side each time, we reserve the right to reject or cancel orders on our own discretion. 

You acknowledge that we may, on our discretion and without prior notice, impose limits on our Products at any time in respect of Underlying Instruments if the market for the particular Underlying Instrument has become illiquid or its trading status has been suspended. 

We may accept your order when market is not open, all such orders may be processed at a later time when the relevant market is open, by that time the market prices (and currency exchange values) might have changed significantly. 

We understand that orders provided to us contain accurate and complete information at the time of order placement including the quantity, price, and other details. You agree and acknowledge that The execution of trades may be subject to delays, including but not limited to technological issues, market volatility, systems speed, or other technical reasons 

MyFreedom platform offers various order types, including market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and others, as available. We may impose limitations or restrictions on order placement, including minimum or maximum order sizes and price limits, and amend the limits from time to time. 

You agree and acknowledge that you are responsible for selecting the appropriate order type based on their desired execution strategy and understanding the associated risks. You agree that the desired level of ROI and Risk Factor will change based on their account type (lowest for Standard, and Highest for Platinum account). 


You enter into a Transaction with us by connecting your Freedom Account with a broker of your choice, and allowing the Freedom portal to place the orders. When you offer to open or Close Out any Transaction, the opening of the Transaction must not result in exceeding any credit or other limit placed on your dealings with us. when you offer to open a Transaction, an Event of Default must not have occurred, nor must you have acted in such a way as to trigger an Event of Default; 

You agree and acknowledge that we may, on our absolute discretion, refuse to accept an Order in situation (including but not limited to any Order that relates to black-box trading, or scalping etc.) for any reason. Moreover, you agree and acknowledge that we may, on our absolute discretion, cancel or amend an Order: 

  1. if required by Governing Legislation to do so 
  2. in the event of an error 
  3. if we consider the cancellation or amendment appropriate; or 
  4. if the Underlying Instrument, the subject of the Transaction has been subject to a trading halt. 

Unless otherwise under these terms and conditions, all your orders will remain open until either canceled by you or purged by the Software Suite. We exclusively declare that we will not be responsible for reinstating lapsed orders nor we will be contacting you to seek new instructions against the orders lapsed.  

You agree and acknowledge that all your order shall not breach laws and regulations and shall not be placed for 

  1. market manipulation, false trading, market rigging, fictitious transactions, black box trading, high frequency trading, scalping, wash trading or matching of Orders; 
  2. creating a disorderly market or otherwise prejudicing the integrity or efficiency of the market;  
  3. short selling, or insider trading 
  4. laundering of money 

If we establish a suspicion against your orders for any of above pattern, we reserved the rights to report your activity including your personal information and transactional history to the respective authorities.   

Conflicts of interest  

MyFreedom LLC is committed in taking all reasonable steps to identify and manage conflicts of interest that may arise between us, our clients, or between one client and another in offering our products and services. In this regards, very strict policies have been devised and implemented to identify, prevent, and manage conflicts of interest, which include disclosure of disclose the nature and source of the conflict before undertaking any business with the potentially affected client if we have reasons to believe that a conflict poses a risk of material harm to a client. In this regards, we also encourage our clients to inform us if any potential or actual conflict as and when they become aware of it. 

Employees, agents, and other relevant personnel of MyFreedom LCC are obligated to act in the best interests of our clients and to adhere to strict confidentiality requirements to mitigate conflicts of interest.  You agree and acknowledge that we are not under any obligation to account for any profit, commission or remuneration made or received from or by reason of Transactions or circumstances in which we have a material interest or where in particular circumstances a conflict of interest may exist. 

Opening a Transaction  

You should not order a transaction if you do not agree with our terms and conditions in full or even in part. Your order for a transaction shall be taken and interpreted as your acceptance of our terms and conditions prior to placement of order for a transaction.  

Prior to placement of an order, you are required to have sufficient Account Value with the broker. You shall be required to integrate your broker account, allowing Freedom Software Suite to make automated trades on your behalf.  

You agree and acknowledge that, a Transaction that is opened by “buying” is referred to as a “Buy Transaction” and may also, be referred to as “long” or “long position”. And, a Transaction that is opened by “selling” is referred to as a “Sell Transaction” and may also, be referred to as “short” or “short position”. And, all transactions shall always be made for a specified number of the Underlying Instrument. 

Closing a Transaction 

you may Close Out an Open Position or any part of such Open Position at any time during the market is open. When you Close Out an Open Position, the Closing Level will be, if you are Closing Out an Undated Buy Transaction, the lower figure then quoted by us and, if you are Closing Out an Undated Sell Transaction, the higher figure then quoted by us. 

Upon receipt of notice of intent to Close Out an Undated Transaction, we will use reasonable endeavors to provide the Closing Level and notify you of that quote. It is your obligation to notify MyFreedom LLC as soon as possible as to whether you are willing to accept the Closing Level. If you accept the Closing Level quoted by us, the Undated Transaction, or relevant portion of the Undated Transaction, will be Closed Out by issuing you with a Contract which is equal but opposite to the open Contract, or relevant portion of the Contract, to be Closed Out. 

At the Close Out, if there is a difference between the Closing Value and the Contract Value of the Contract it must be accounted for in the following way: 

  1. if the Closing Value is greater than the Contract Value, the Short Party must pay to the Long Party the difference; and 
  2. if the Closing Value is less than the Contract Value, the Long Party must pay to the Short Party the difference. 

You agree and acknowledge that it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the Last Dealing Time and of Performance Fees that we may apply when a Transaction is Closed Out. In case if a Transaction is Closed Out, or settlement for difference being made: 

  1. we will credit to your Account any amount payable by us to you; or 
  2. You must pay to us any amount payable by you to us in cleared funds in USD immediately upon the payment request being made. 

If there is any surplus Margin in your Account, any amount owing by you in accordance with this will be settled in whole or in part by debiting your Account with us. You agree and acknowledge that at the time of Closing Out a Transaction, you shall pay us any commission, fee and other charges as per our prevailing rates set by us. Unless we agree otherwise, all sums payable by you pursuant to this clause are due immediately upon the Closing Level of your Transaction being determined by us. You agree and acknowledge that we reserve the right to alter the Closing Level 

Software Suite  

You represent and warrant that you are aware of all Applicable laws and Regulations that apply to Software Suite that you use and that your use of the Software Suite will for legally permissible along with terms and conditions as set out in this document at present and thereafter as amended from time to time. You shall, accordingly, 

  1. place your Orders or transmit other instructions to us or other persons. 
  2. enquire as to the availability or pricing or value of one or more Financial Products. 
  3. receive market data and other information in relation to one or more Financial Products; or 
  4. receive Confirmations, Account balances or other information in connection with your Account or Transactions. 

MyFreedom LLC is not obligated to accept, or to execute or cancel, all or any part of a Transaction that you seek to execute or cancel through a Software Suite. Without limitation of the foregoing, we have no responsibility for instructions or transmissions that are inaccurate or not received by us, and we may execute any Transaction on the terms received by us. Moreover, You authorize us to act on any instruction given or appearing to be given by you to us in relation to Software Suite you use. 

We are not obliged to act on any Electronic Instruction, or to execute or otherwise enter into any particular Transaction, and we do not need to give any reasons for declining to do so. Moreover, You agree and acknowledge we have the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend or terminate (at any time, with or without cause or prior notice) all or any part of any Software Suite, or your access, to change the nature, composition or availability, or the limits we set on the trading you may conduct through our platform. Moreover, we are not obligated to resubmit Orders purged from any Software Suite. 

You agree and acknowledge that prices shown on the Software Suite are indicative and are subject to constant change.  

We may permit you to test any customized interface prior to using it in a live environment and you agree you will be responsible for any errors or failure in your implementation of the interface protocol. 

In an automated trading system, the system may set down thresholds on excessive number of messages. When the system reaches the predeterminate number of entries, you may receive notification and/or warning by the software provider. Prior to trading, make sure that you are aware of the limitations and thresholds set by the software provider to avoid the interruption and disruption of the smooth operations of the trading platform. You agree and acknowledge that you are responsible to adjust or/and reduce the flow of orders prior to reaching the aforesaid threshold.  

You agree and acknowledge that we reserve the right, as we see fit, to disable your trading account(s), if the observed trading behavior has taken place. In the event your account is disabled due to Hyperactivity, it is recommended to refrain from continuing similar trading behaviour since your accounts may be disabled multiple times on the same calendar day. We will not be held liable for the losses, or unrealized profits during the timeframe your account has remained disabled due to a result of Hyperactivity. 

A Software Suite is the umbrella term we use that defines the set of software and tools belonging to MyFreedom LLC.  we may grant you access to our Software Suite, on our sole discretion. You agree and acknowledge that under these terms and condition your access to our Software Suite is, a non-exclusive, revocable, and non-transferrable license to use the Software Suite pursuant to and in strict accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 

We offer our Software Suite only for your personal use and only for the purposes disclosed under these terms and conditions. You agree and acknowledge that you shall not sell, lease, or provide, directly or indirectly, the Software Suite or any part of the Software Suite to any party 

You acknowledge that all proprietary rights in the Software Suite are either owned by MyFreedom LLC or by any applicable third-party service providers selected by us who have made available to us all or part of the Software Suite. You receive no copyright, intellectual property rights or other rights in or to the Software Suite. 

You agree that you will protect and not violate those proprietary rights in the Software Suite and honour and comply with our reasonable requests to protect us and our third-party service providers’ contractual, statutory, and common law rights in the Software Suite. If you become aware of any violation of our or our third-party service providers’ proprietary rights in the Software Suite, you must notify us in writing immediately. 

If you receive any data, information, or software via the Software Suite other than that which you are entitled to receive pursuant to these terms and conditions, you will immediately notify us and you must not use, in any way whatsoever, such data, information or software. You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no computer viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items are introduced into the System or software you use to access our Software Suite. 

You shall not use the Software Suite until the Security Data has been provided to you by us. you acknowledge that Security Data is confidential. you will not provide, disclose or make available the Security Data to any person. You acknowledge that are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and use of that Security Data at all times and you will not permit, consent or allow any person to use the Security Data or to access or use the Software Suite using that Security Data. Moreover, you must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any unauthorized use of the Security Data or the Software Suite. 

You acknowledge and agree that you are only permitted to access and use the Software Suite, using the Security Data and we are entitled to rely on all instructions given by the use your Security Data. In this regard, you acknowledge that, under no circumstances, we shall be liable for any Loss caused by us acting on instructions or other communications using the Security Data; 

There may be delays in the processing, execution, amendment or cancellation of an Order entered through the Software Suite, MyFreedom LLC will not be liable for any Loss incurred by you arising from any delay in the dissemination of market information or the processing of any Order; 

There may be situations when the execution of an Order placed through the Software Suite may take longer than the expected time due to applied filters or other electronic features of the electronic system. In such a situation, MyFreedom LLC will not be responsible for the processing, execution or cancellation of any Orders submitted through the Software Suite, regardless of who enters such Orders and regardless of whether there is an error in the Order entry or for any delays. Moreover, you agree that you are responsible for ensuring alternative arrangements in-place for the execution of Orders or other services available through the Software Suite, if the Software Suite or any aspect of it ceases to be available or subject to failure. 

If a failure, interruption, or malfunction of communication between the parties prevents an Order from being placed, cancelled or amended, without limiting any other right in this Agreement, neither party is liable to the other party for any Loss caused then by that failure, interruption or malfunction. 

Manifest Error 

You agree and acknowledge that MyFreedom may, on sole discretion and without seeking your consent, either determine a Transaction or Open Position from the outset or at any time amend the terms of any Transaction containing or based on any error that we reasonably believe to be a Manifest Error. 

You agree and acknowledge that we, on our sole discretion and without notifying, reserved the rights to amend the terms of any such Transaction or Open Position due to a Manifest Error. However, MyFreedom LLC shall exercise the rights under these terms and conditions, in good faith and as soon as reasonably practical after we become aware of the Manifest Error. 

If a Manifest Error has occurred and we choose to exercise any of our rights under these terms and conditions, and if you have received any funds from us in connection with the Manifest Error, you acknowledge and agree that such funds shall be returned to us in equal sum within three working days of our demand. You agree and acknowledge that in case of a Manifest Error we, on our sole discretion & without your consent, reserve the rights to amend the terms of a Transaction to reflect what we consider to have been the fair terms at the time the Transaction had been entered into had there been no Manifest Error, or  Close Out the Transaction and any Open Positions resulting from it, or  adjust or suspend your Account, or  treat the Transaction as void from its inception, or refrain from taking action to amend or void the Transaction; or take any other corrective action that we believe is appropriate in the circumstances.  

In the absence of an intentional fraud or gross negligence on our part, to the extent permitted by law we are not liable to you for any Loss, damage, claim, demand that you incur or suffer, arising from or connected with the Manifest Error. 

You agree and acknowledge that if we have a reason to believe that you have (or attempted to) manipulated our Quotes, our execution process or our Software Suite, or “gamed” or attempted to “game” our Software Suite or attempted some form of market abuse or market misconduct, we may, on our sole and absolute discretion, without your consent or notifying to you take any or more of one of following actions: 

  1. Enforce the Transactions against you. 
  2. treat all your Transactions as void from their inception. 
  3. withhold any funds from you which we suspect to have been derived from any such activity or attempted activity. 
  4. Adjust, Suspend, or close your Account. 
  5. Terminate this Agreement; and 
  6. Take such other action as we consider appropriate including reporting your activity and personal details to one or more Authorities. 

Fees and charges  

You willfully agree and authorize us to deduct any of the fees from your Account. You agree and acknowledge and authorize us to credit or debit (as the case may be) any profit or loss net of any fees and charges arising on Closing Out a Transaction against the Account Value, in the Account currency. Moreover, you owe us, and must pay to us or as we direct: 

  1. any Transaction charges including all commission, Finance Charge, charges, fees, Margins, Freedom Fee, Account Upgrade Fee, settlement and clearing fees and charges, interest, default charges and taxes (including GST but excluding MyFreedom LLC’ income tax or penalty tax and levies) and any other amounts due under this Agreement on demand by MyFreedom LLC in cleared funds or otherwise as required by this Agreement. 
  2. a Transaction Fee for each Product or Service or Transaction (as the case may be) being the fee from time to time specified by MyFreedom LLC to be the amount payable by you to MyFreedom LLC in respect of each such Transaction. 
  3. any royalty or other fee which must be paid for the use of prices or information provided to you via access through the Software Suite or otherwise by any Exchange. 
  4. (if applicable) a monthly access charge for the use of the Software Suite provided by MyFreedom LLC, as specified by MyFreedom LLC from time to time. 
  5. any fees, Taxes, stamp duty or other charges as may from time to time be levied on or in connection with any Transactions entered with you; and 
  6. in respect of any unpaid amounts required to be paid under this Agreement including, (without limitation) any amounts due as a result of your failure to pay interest on all such amounts denominated in Dollars at the interest rate per annum as reasonably determined by MyFreedom LLC (but so that the total rate does not exceed generally prevailing rates for personal unsecured loans in comparable amounts), such interest to accrue daily from and including the due date to and including the date of its payment in full. 

All payments by you under these terms and conditions shall be made without any set-off by you, counter claim or condition made by you and without you making any deduction or withholding for any Tax or any other reason unless the deduction or withholding is required by applicable law or the set-off arises by express application of these terms and conditions.    

You acknowledge and authorize us that we may combine your funds and funds of other clients of MyFreedom LLC in a set of set of client money accounts, separate from the funds of MyFreedom LLC. You agree that we are entitled to all interest earned on funds credited to any client money account. Moreover, You authorize us to withdraw any or all funds to which you are otherwise entitled in any client fund account maintained by MyFreedom LLC to meet any liability, obligation or other Loss which you owe to us. You acknowledge that we will be under no obligation to pay interest on balances on your Account. 

When you pay or transfer funds to us in connection to a Transaction, you are also authorizing us to be paid into a client money account and those funds will remain in there until withdrawn by MyFreedom LLC to pay you amounts you are entitled to receive or to pay for amounts to which MyFreedom LLC is entitled including to pay for your Products or Services.  

You agree and acknowledge that in order to be eligible for payment circle, your account must be connected with the broker and integrated our Software Suite to perform trading. You acknowledge that your failure to clear any pending bill due to MyFreedom LLC including but not limited to the Annual subscription fee, Transaction Fees, Safety Deposit Fee, Performance Fee, or Account Upgrade etc. can result in suspension of your account, halting all trading activities, and pausing all pay circle payments. 

Our payment methods involve use of third-party payment service providers. When a deposit is made using, crediting MyFreedom LLC’ account, we will make a corresponding credit to your trading account. In the ordinary course of business, this happens mostly on the same or upto two working days. You agree and acknowledge that all your payment to the payment service provider for crediting into account of MyFreedom LLC shall be at own your risk. 

You agree and acknowledge that your use of our platforms or subscription of any of our services is deemed as your consent to any ongoing changes and updates, which MyFreedom LLC may change or update on its sole discretion without seeking your consent or any prior notice. 

Payments, set-off and netting  

We are committed to promoting fair and transparent financial services. In respect of your value of transaction or overall investment, we may require you to provide us sufficient documentary evidence to satisfy us regarding your source of any funds and we reserve our rights to prohibit you from entering into any Contracts or Transactions until we are satisfied with the information (or evidence) you have supplied and that information or evidence does not give us any reason to suspect any illegality in respect of those payments. You agree that in the event of dissection, we reserve the right to report your transactional activity along with your personal information to respective authorities. 

You agree that all payments by you to MyFreedom LLC shall be made without any set-off by you, counter claim or condition made by you and without you making any deduction or withholding for any Tax or any other reason unless the deduction or withholding is required by applicable law or the set-off arises by express application of these terms and conditions. In addition, you agree that your payment to us shall be be made prior or on the due date otherwise we will be entitled to charge a reminder fee on the overdue amount, you acknowledge that MyFreedom LLC reserves the right to set reminder fee and amened it from time to time. 

If you make payments in other than USD i.e. other than our the base currency of your Account, you agree that we will make whatever necessary adjustments and conversions are required and you will be liable for any resulting losses, fees, currency conversion fluctuations or other applicable charges. Moreover, You agree and acknowledge that our failure or omission to enforce or exercise our right to insist on timely payment will not amount to a waiver or bar to enforcement of that right. 

All payments to be made by you under these terms and conditions, which are due and payable are due immediately on our verbal or written demand. Once demanded, such payments must be paid by you, and must be received in full by us for your payment obligations to be satisfied in full. Moreover, In determining whether to accept payments from you under these terms and conditions, we will have utmost regard to our obligations under our Governing Legislation. Accordingly, we may, on our absolute discretion, reject payments from you or a third party and return funds to their source. 

You acknowledge that in some situations there might be delays in your deposited funds being reflected in your trading account. Such situations include deposit or transfer of a high value amount that you attempt simultaneously. You acknowledge and agree that such circumstances are outside of our control, and we shall not be held liable for any losses or additional losses. 

You acknowledge your responsibility to make sure that you read all notices including those pertaining to fees, commission and charges, posted on our Website and on our Software Suite from time to time in a timely manner. Moreover, It is also your responsibility to ensure that we have been notified of your current and correct address and contact details. Any change to your address or contact details must be notified to us immediately in writing. 

Events of Default  

You agree that any or more that one of the following constitutes an Event of Default: 

  1. you fail to comply with our terms and conditions in full or in part.  
  2. you fail to timely pay any of fee, charges, or Commission etc. 
  3. you do not abide by terms and conditions applicable to you under these terms and conditions. 
  4. you fail to maintain Margin Cover. 
  5. your failure to pay any amount due in respect of these terms and conditions. 
  6. a Transaction is entered into, or an Open Position is Closed Out, or you place an Order in any circumstances in which we reasonably believe that conduct is, or could be considered to be, in breach of the Act, Governing Legislation, Applicable Regulations, whether or not you are aware that the Transaction or Order could breach those laws or regulations. 
  7. where any Transaction or combination of Transactions or any Realized / Unrealized Loss on any Transactions or combination of Transactions opened by you results in your exceeding any credit or other limit placed on you 
  8. in case of your demise if you are an individual 
  9. in case if you lose mental capacity. 
  10. you become insolvent or bankrupt or steps have been taken against you by any authority/institution towards any such event. 
  11. we believe that any information you have provided to us is false or untrue; 
  12. we believe that sources of your payments, investment or any transaction with us is not legal.  
  13. where any representation or warranty made by you in this Agreement is or becomes untrue; 
  14. you do not pay your debts as and when they fall due; 
  15. you are not immediately contactable by us in order for us to obtain instructions in relation to any of your Transactions; or 
  16. any other circumstance where we reasonably believe that it is necessary to take any action to protect ourselves or all or any of our Clients. 

Action following an Event of Default 

If an Event of Default occurs, we may in addition to any other rights which we have or may have against you, without seeking your consent or notifying  to you, take any action, or refrain from taking action, which we consider reasonable in the circumstances in connection with Transactions entered into pursuant to these terms and conditions, without limitation,  

Moreover, if an event of Default occurs, we may take any or all of following action against you: 

  1. stop taking your orders or suspend or terminate your Account. 
  2. Close Out or partially Close Out all or any of your Transactions at a Closing Level based on the then prevailing quotations or prices in the relevant markets or, if none, at such levels as we consider fair and reasonable. 
  3. Close Out any Open Positions. 
  4. prohibit or restrict your access to your Account, or our Software Suit. 
  5. reverse or void any of your Transactions. 
  6. make any necessary adjustments, modifications, or changes to your Account. 
  7. Charge any money from your available or entitled funds, by way of set-off or withdrawal and payment to us any amount you owe us. 
  8. immediately, or at a later stage, terminate these terms and conditions. 
  9. calculate any or all amounts owing by you to us and declare such amount immediately due and payable. 
  10. vary your Margin Cover requirements. 
  11. exercise rights of set-off under these terms and conditions. 
  12. charge you interest at 6% on any amount due, from close of business on the date when the amount first fell due until the date of actual payment; and 
  13. exercise any other rights conferred by Governing Legislation, Applicable Regulations or these terms and conditions. 

You acknowledge and agree that, in Closing Out Transactions under these terms and conditions, we may partly and progressively Close Out your positions over a period, and in amounts and prices, which we determine in our discretion. This may have the result that your Transaction is Closed Out in tranches at different prices resulting in an aggregate closing level for your Transaction that results in further losses being incurred on your Account. You acknowledge and agree that we will not have any liability to you because of any such Closing Out of your Transactions. 

Limitation of Liability  

You agree that your access uses our Platforms including any content contained thereon is purely at your own risk with your own free will. Under no circumstances you shall hold us, our affiliates, directors, shareholders and employees, for any damage, loss, or claim resulting from access, use or distribution of our Platform.   

Our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law resulting from any failure of performance, technical interruption, delay in operation or transmission, any error, omission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft, unintentional negligence, or tortious act.   

Password-protected information on our Platform is strictly confidential. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of password-protected information as well as username and password at your end. We expressly disclaim, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind resulting from sharing your username and password by yourself. To mitigate the potential risks connected to with your username and password, you agree to the following.   

not provide anyone with access to our Platform with your username, password, or other security information.   

Your registration and Profile information is confidential, and you agree to not disclose it to anyone.   

You agree to notify us immediately in case of any doubts about unauthorized access or use of your confidential information mentioned above. 

Force Majeure Events  

We may, in our reasonable opinion, determine that a Force Majeure Event exists, in which case we will, in due course, take reasonable steps to inform you. If we determine that a Force Majeure Event has occurred, we may, in our absolute discretion, conclude that it is an Event of Default and take any action we consider necessary e.g. Corporate Events, takeovers, voting rights, interest and dividends Corporate Events 

If any Underlying Instrument becomes subject to possible adjustment, mainly due to occurrence of Force Majeure event, we will determine the appropriate adjustment, if any, to be made to the size or value or number of the respective Transaction(s) to account for the diluting or concentrating effect necessary to preserve the economic equivalent of the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to that Transaction. 

If we determine that a Force Majeure Event has occurred, we may take any or all of following actions, 

  1. a subdivision, consolidation or reclassification of shares, a share buy-back or cancellation, or a free distribution of shares to existing shareholders by way of a bonus, capitalization or similar 
  2. a distribution to existing holders of the underlying shares of additional shares, other share capital or securities granting the right to payment of dividends or proceeds of liquidation of the issuer equally proportionately with such payments to holders of the underlying shares, or securities, rights or warrants granting the right to a distribution of shares or to purchase, subscribe or receive shares, in any case for payment (in cash or otherwise) at less than the prevailing market price per share as determined by us; 
  3. the voiding of an Underlying Instrument that trades, or has traded, on a when issued basis, in which case any Transaction that relates to that Underlying Instrument will also be void. 
  4. any other event in respect of the shares analogous to any of the above events or otherwise having a diluting or concentrating effect on the market value of the shares, whether temporary or otherwise; or 
  5. any event analogous to any of the foregoing events or otherwise having a diluting or concentrating effect on the market value of any Underlying Instrument not based on shares, whether temporary or otherwise. 

Obligations to KYC and AML  

 You acknowledge and agree: 

  1. that you are subject to AML Law and your identification and verification may be required by us more than once e.g. prior to your onboarding, or thereafter 
  2. to provide all information and documentation we require to verify you at the time of onboarding or thereafter. 
  3. if we are unable to verify you precisely and accurately, we reserve our rights to reject your onboarding application or suspend or close your existing account. 
  4. that we may delay, block, or refuse to make any payment or to provide any service if we believe that doing so may breach AML Laws or any law of UAE or any other country. 
  5. that during the term of this Agreement, we also reserve our rights to take whatever action we believe is necessary against you if we suspect that you are breaching any AML Laws; and 
  6. that your payments or any instructions given by you, will not breach any law in UAE or any other country. 

You agree to provide all information (and complete any documents) that we are required to obtain in accordance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 


You acknowledge and agree that we will collect and record your personal information for the purposes of assessing your application and maintaining and operating your Account including for the requirements of KYC and any other legal purpose.  

For further information regarding the privacy of information, please read our privacy policy document. You acceptance of our all terms and conditions including privacy policy is mandatory priority sign up / onboarding with us or before conducting any transaction thereafter. 

Termination and Blocking

You agree that we reserve the right to terminate or block your use or access to our Platform for any reason without notice. Similarly, you agree and acknowledge that we reserve the right to refuse to execute requests at any time at our sole discretion, including but not limited to the following circumstances.   

  • Incomplete information: if have doubts that any information or documents provided by you at the time of onboarding or thereafter are incomplete or inaccurate or not up to our required SOPs   
  • Money Laundering: If we have doubts that processing your request may be an attempt to launder the proceeds of illegal activities.   
  • Insider Trading: If we have doubts that processing your request may constitute abusive exploitation of confidential information.   
  • Market Manipulation: If the execution of the order aims or may aim to manipulate the market price of the financial instruments.   
  • Overdue payments:  if we have some unpaid charges or dues against you.  or if you do not have sufficient funds required to process your request   
  • Breach of obligations: if you do not fulfill your obligations as set out under these Terms and conditions or any of our policies   
  • Designated persons: if we found your identity particulars e.g., Name, Passport or ID number, the country is matching with designated persons by UNSC or by any competent authority of any other country.   
  • Recalcitrant Customers: In case if you do not provide us the requested information or documents necessary to complete our internal inquiries and complaints resolution process or for complying with any provision of law or regulation.   
  • Advice of Law enforcement Authorities: in case law enforcement or any other regulator disseminate your name as a proscribed or prohibited person.   
  • Adverse Media: in case we found adverse media regarding your reputation or earlier financial conduct.   
  • Harmful access: in case we doubt that your access may invite any harm or damage to our Platform, products, services reputation etc.   

Geo-Based Business limitations: information on this Platform as well as our product and services are not intended for nationals or residents of countries including Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) or North Korea, IRAN, Myanmar, USA, ISRAEL New Zealand and Australia or use by any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. if you are a resident or national of the above-mentioned countries or going to be a resident or national of the above-mentioned countries, we request you to please leave our Platform without any use. You agree that we reserve the right to add or remove any country in the above list without notice and without assigning any reason. 

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